Sunday, February 3, 2008

Annual Mt. Erie Beer and Burger Hike

Back by popular demand; the annual Beer and Burger Hike to the summit of Mt. Erie went despite the horrendous weather.

It is amazing what motivates some hikers. The attraction of a visit at the Longhorn Tavern sure did the trick. The weather was absolutely miserable. We looked like a pack of rats moving up the trail like 9 beads strung on a string. We all grouped together is if to avoid the mixture of raindrops and sleet. Not a single complained was issued and I was very impressed. We ate a light lunch on top...briefly.... it was windy and we were in a cloud. We then wound our way down completing a loop around Whistle lake to our starting point. The trail was in excellent condition, although we encountered some muddy parts. For the first time noticed that all the trails were very well signed and together with a map detailing all the spurs (a must) we really had no problems. Several logs had been cut and removed. The vegetation was lush and green. The comraderie at the tavern was excellent. This I will repeat next year for sure.

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